Monday, February 17, 2014

The Real Issue Behind Hair Loss

Hairloss in men can cause receding hairlines and lots of hair in the shower drain. On the other hand some female hair loss is normal, say about 50-100 strands of hair. However, you may want to minimize loss and maximize your count of thick, healthy hair. Let us explore more about hair loss.

The real causes of hair loss:

If it is temporary..... 

If your hair thinning is triggered by a drastic event, such as child birth, intense stress or hair loss due to thyroid problems, it can manifest as more than 100 hairs a day. When the trauma passes, your hair will grow back within a few months. Your hair will get its health back once the hairloss due thyroid problem is reduced or hairloss due to an endocrine disorder dissapears.

If it is chronic….

Androgenetic alopecia hair loss is most common cause of hair loss in female  , a genetic condition which causes new hair shafts to grow thinner than before. Women will notice a gradual reduction in overall volume with often a concentrated thinning at the crown. This hair loss condition can start any time after puberty but only becomes noticeable during or after menopause when it is combined with hormonal shifts.

The first step is to go to your doctor for an appropriate hair loss treatment. If hairloss is dur to androgenetic alopecia, you will not achieve full re growth, but can try these hair loss treatments mentioned below:

Minoxidil ( Rogaine): 

This is the only FDA-approved medication for female hair loss. When it is applied topically, minoxidil prolongs the hair's growth phase. You can get it over-the-counter in 2 and 5 percent formulas. Massage minoxidil into the scalp twice a day, and the regrowth should appear in about six months. However, if you stop this hair loss treatment, the hair density will returns to what it was if you had never used the medicine. 

Finasteride (Propecia and Proscar): 

This pill is not FDA approved for women, especially the child bearing ones. However, some doctors prescribe it as off-label to postmenopausal patients.

Lasers Light therapy: 

Laser Light Therapy is a new option in hair restoration that is painless and noninvasive. Medicine is beginning to see lasers in a very different light, especially low level light. It is one of the most exciting new options in hair loss treatment.

Hair transplant: 

Hair transplant is an option if your hair loss is concentrated in specific areas. Since female hair loss is often diffuse, only about 20 percent of female patients with thinning hair opt for this.

Thickening tricks:

Most hair loss treatments can take anywhere from three months to a year to give results.

  1.   You can keep your length above the shoulder level, and consider a blunt cut. If your hair is thick in front, keep deep bangs that will conceal the thinning at the crown.
  2. Coloring your hair can help and choose a shade that is closest to the color of your scalp. If you have dark skin, do not go blonde or if you are pale, keep your hair light.
  3. African-American women with thinning hair might think it's a genetic issue, but it could be a common reason for hair loss: central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia. The exact causes maybe unknown but if it is left untreated, you can have bald patches.

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